Tuesday, March 24, 2015

This Kid!

Ty is such a HILARIOUS and unique little guy! He makes me laugh (though to be honest, almost all of his jokes have to deal with something perverted or gross. He's in the toot-bum stage.)

Here's a few moments I caught of him.

He took all the pillows in the house and made a "mattress" on the floor to make the "Ultimate Soft and Comfy Bed."
 For the 100th day of school, he had to create something showing 100 items. He made this 100-eyed monster.
And, he dressed up like he was 100 years old.
I found him outside like this. He thinks lounging with a drink is the best thing ever... and, well, he's pretty much right! (yes, he posed himself!)

He came downstairs with a SERIOUS ghetto booty! Balloons, people! So funny! He had him in his shirt the first time, thinking that was pretty great, too, but we told him it wasn't really appropriate; plus, it makes mommy jealous! ;)

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