Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So I am so mad at everyone who told me to read Twilight (and New Moon & Eclipse) because now I am finished and starving for more! I hate reading books and getting all into them, only to have them end and all of your dear friends mute forever. Fortunately for me (and all of you) there is hope ahead: August 2 when the last book comes out!


Laura Waltz said...

I haven't heard of those. I will have to look in to them. How was your vacation in Hawaii? Please post pictures soon! Miss you all!

K said...

Nice to see you back blogging. I hope all is well. If it helps at all, the same author is coming out with another book (not in the series) in May. The reviews have been great. It's called The Host. So, maybe that will tied you over until August when the 4th one comes out. Also, at the end of May, in the 3rd book a new "version" will be released with the first chapter of Book 4. So, that may make it worse, but it's an option!

Sarah said...

so you are done, huh? Does that mean you won't be so much of a hermit anymore.
I'm totally kidding. I hate getting into books or t.v. shows for that reason, too.

K said...

If you look on my blog in the favorite websites, I posted one there that has the most up to date clip of the movie that is coming out on December 12th. It actually looks pretty good. You'll have to check it out when you visit my blog next.