Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Potty Trained!!!

It's official! Robbie's finally a big boy and wearing man-pants full-time. It makes me giddy for a million reasons, but the best part is how easy it was. I've been wishy-washy about it for months. I'd try it for a few hours, and when Robbie complained or wet his pants, I gave up for another month or so. My expert friends (those who successfully had kids in underwear) all told me the same thing: Wait until he is ready. Thanks guys! A few weeks ago I randomly asked Robbie if he had to go potty. I was shocked when he said yes and went to the bathroom. We went and got ice cream cones as a celebration, but even that didn't spark the interest I had hoped, at least not immediately. He refused to wear underwear again, and any time I asked if he had to go potty, he'd yell, "NO!" Well... I waited again. Patience.

A few days ago, I asked again if Robbie had to go potty. "Yes," he said, and went! From that point on, he has gone--and on his own, without reminders!!! No mistakes for two days now. Horray!


Unknown said...

So exciting! I hope that the successes are great and the relapses are few :)

Maren said...

Congrats (to both you and Robbie)!. I second Angie's hope, that you have very little relapses. We are still battling that with Syd. Oh well. Hurray again!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!! I can't wait for Avvan to get on the bandwagon. Hey guess what? We might be moving to Logan to go to USU. Didn't you live there? I'd like to talk to you about housing and jobs. Please email me at sispammyw@yahoo.com.br

Jenny said...

That is awesome! I have not yet potty trained Keith because I do not want to deal with it on our trip to Utah... we are driving and I do not want to deal with it!!! I have delt with a little girl holding poop for days on our last trip because she had to go on the potty and then when it came I thought it would neve stop... We were at Lake Powell and it was just not a good memory!!!
So when are you going to be in Utah? I want to come see you!!!

Sarah said...

That is great news, Kyrsten! I hope it is still well established for when you have to drive for hours on end for the move. I worried about that with Alex on the way here, but it was fine.

Ian and Tamra said...

Yay for Robbie! Way to be patient.