Tuesday, October 11, 2011

St. Louis

We woke up at 4 a.m. to begin our little day trip (someday when I'm not poor, I just might get some sleep!:)) We headed to the St. Louis temple (where we just happened to run into Maren and Sheldon Johnson, our friends from medical school) and then it was off to the zoo for a fun day (and then another 4 hours home!). We love this zoo, though, and it was fun to see how the kids' reactions have changes since we took them to the same place 2 years ago.

1 comment:

Maren said...

that was fun running into you guys! it always amazes me how small the world can be. seeing the pictures of how your boys have changed makes me think back to the beginning of med school- its crazy how all of our families changed. glad things are going ok for you in residency!