Monday, April 6, 2015


Jimmy's Favorite:

Color: Green and blue
Food: "Oatmeal and brocolli and fishsticks and carrots and meat and cow meat."
Show: Octonauts, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and Curious George.
Dessert: Uh...meat. Steak.
Game: tic-tac-toe
Drink: chocolate milk
Book: "That pumpkin one." No clue.
Song: I am a Child of God
Animal: Rhino
Best Friend: Cooper VanYpren and Jace Jones and Hudson Crowther
Sport: Soccer
Place in the world: Uh...I don't know. (At first he said, "desert,")
Favorite thing to do with Daddy: Snuggle him
with mommy: Snuggle you
with Robbie: Play
with Ty: just play with him
Scripture Story: Adam and Eve
Dream Mission: Destin, Florida
When I grow up I want to be a: A Daddy. (Though he has insisted that he NEVER wants to get married--way to scary! And he never wants to move out, either!)
I DON'T want to be a: "Not a dog!"

Jimmy is seriously the sweetest little boy! VERY talkative! He says the cutest things! He always wants our full attention. If I'm not looking at him while talking, he grabs my face to look him in the eye--EVERY time! He has a heavy conscience and likes to please and help. With his friends, he is really bossy--his way or the highway. The funny thing is that he is almost always the youngest of his friends, and still, they listen to him. They just follow him around, doing his bidding. When he was sick and had his neck stuck to the side, his little friend Hudson followed him around, his head stiff to his shoulders, too! Haha! I guess Jimmy even makes that look cool!

The other day he was showing me something he could do. He said, "Mom, watch this the WHOLE time!" Then he said, "Are you oppressed?" Love this stage where his words are not quite on!

He prays over everything. Waiting for an elevator, he knelt on the ground and started praying it would hurry and come. On our way to Florida, he made us all be quiet so he could say a prayer. We asked what he was praying for. He said, "To learn how to get places faster!" We all busted up laughing! So sweet!

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