Thursday, May 14, 2015

Robbie's Got It

I'm telling you, I am breeding the world's most amazing future husbands! My daughter-in-laws are gonna owe me BIG time! :)

On Mother's Day, the boys wrote 5 things they loved about me. It's obvious by their responses that they are slowly being groomed to perfection, year by year.

Jimmy simply said baseball. (He needs a little more training.)

Ty's were very sweet and thoughful.
1. She tacks good car of me
2.My mom is nis
3.She is thotfl
4. She clis my room
5. My mom heps me.
(He was rushed and under pressure--he is actually a pretty good speller).

Robbie Nailed It.

1. She is nice and kind
2. She does lots of kisses
3. She helps me
 (and here is where he starts getting in the zone...)
4. She's beautiful
5. She's skinny

How smart is he!? You can never go wrong with those answers. The babes are gonna go crazy over this guy! "Tell me more, Robbie! Tell me more!"

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