Thursday, November 12, 2015

Primary Program

You had to be there. I was crying-laughing so hard--tears streamed down my face the whole time. I was squeaking-laughing!. So was everyone else. Needless to say, Jimmy is anything but shy. 

He started the program--the first child to speak. He confidently walked to the podium, spoke clearly and loudly said, "My name is Jimmy. I know my Savior loves me because he gave us the Holy Ghost." (He was one of the very few who memorized his line...I was so impressed. Then he paused and went back to the mic to say, "Amen." It was darling. No, not a part of the line, but very appropriate. I was proud.

But then the music started. Jimmy was on the front row and totally feeling it! He eyes were closed; he swayed back and forth, his nose in the air just smelling the rhythm.... When he finally was supposed to sing, he stayed in that mode--it looked like he was howling at the moon! I was dying! Everyone around me was cracking up! When he tried to get back to his chair, he tripped and slammed onto the ground. By this time my friend was handing out tissues. 

Next song: Follow the Prophet. Oh no! Jimmy starts, not a little bit, but like headbanging his blonde curls! He was bouncing from side to side, bobbin' his head. He was SERIOUSLY into it! That's when the squeaks started. (Maybe I shouldn't have sent him to a Baptist preschool?)

And then, as if it couldn't be more hilarious, another song came on. (Again, Jimmy is in the front row, people, there's no hiding it!). The intro music starts to play, and Jimmy starts BELTING the song! But it's just the intro! He seriously is clueless that he's the ONLY child singing! Now my entire row is crying, laughing! I can't even tell you how many people said he made that program! Sheesh!

Ty memorized the first paragraph of The Living Christ. He did great! It was long and had hard words, but he rose up to the challenge.

Then it was Robbie's turn. My sweet 9-year-old was asked to give a talk! Yes, a talk to give in Sacrament meeting! Only one other older girl gave one. He wrote a very nice talk--by himself. Only bad thing: He left it at HOME!!! As if speaking in sacrament meeting isn't terrifying enough, imagine being 9 and having to do it off the top of your head! My heart went out to him! He got up to the podium and began, "My name is Robbie, and I love sports." Then it hit him. All of it. The nerves, the audience, the stress. He stopped and said, "Wait, wait! Hold on a minute (big exhale)..." Then he started shaking his head back and forth, stretching his arms wide and wiggling the nerves out... everyone was giggling! How many of us wish we could just shake it off up there! Then he composed himself and started speaking. He was totally collected and calm. He delivered an almost verbatim talk to what he had written (maybe a little lesson to parents who write their kids' talks! Robbie's was already in his head and heart). Here's what he wrote (He wrote it out on a piece of paper, and I typed it for him. So, the grammar is mine, the words are all his):

My name is Robbie and I love sports! I watch them; I play them; I practice them. That’s why it was hard for me when I had a championship baseball game on a Sunday. My parents said it was my choice: I could go to church or I could go to the game. I chose to go to church because we are commanded to keep the Sabbath day holy. 

Our team ended up losing the championship game. Everybody was mad and also sad, but I knew I had chosen the right thing because as much as I love sports, I love God more.

I have a testimony that when we choose the right we can receive blessings. Like the next year, I got better coaches and players on my team. And we didn’t have any Sunday games, so I got to go to every game. I know that was a blessing from my Heavenly Father.

I say these things, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

I was so proud of him. He's a great leader and example.

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