Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Robbie is three! We love him so much. He is such an amazing big brother and a perfect helper to Mommy. I interviewed him on his birthday, and though half of these favorites are probably just the first thing that came to his mind, it was cute to get a glimpse.

List of Favorites

Movie: "Lighning Queen" (Cars)
Color: "You mean of markers?"
Best Friend: "Caden." (They met two weeks ago--he's a new neighbor)
Food: "Noodles."
Treat: "Black ones [Riesens] and Nemenems [M&Ms]."
Thing to do: "My bike."
Toy: "My bat."
Drink: "Water and milk."
Animal: "Um...elephants...and tigers."
Song: "Teach me all that I must do" [I Am a Child of God].
Thing to do with Grandma & Grandpa: "Um...that they give me presents and cake."
Thing to do with Daddy: "Um, just play with him football."
Thing to do with Ty: "Just football."
Thing to do with Mommy: "My bat [baseball]"

End of interview

We love you, Robbie!

No, this is not one of his birthday presents; we were at some friends' house and they had a child ATV and Robbie just loved it, but it reminds me of the type of boy Robbie is--so full of fun and adventure.

Grandma Haas filled a pinata with candy, balloons, bubbles, and toys! What a treat!

Robbie trying to somehow crack the thing open. We ended up just pulling the strings and letting the goods spill to the ground.

Robbie and Grandpa Wilde (their birthdays are only one day apart) and their birthday cake.

Robbie wanted eggs and bacon for breakfast, peanut butter and honey for lunch, and noodles for dinner (it doesn't so much matter what kind of noodles, as long as there is some kind of pasta involved). In the evening he went up to Wasatch State Park and got to fish on his new fishing pole--so exciting!


Nashelle said...

Happy birthday, Robbie! Love his hair, it keeps getting blonder and blonder, huh?

Kara said...

So cute! I love the interview. =)

Sarah said...

Glad to see he got a real pinata this year. Although, yours will never be forgotten.

I loved the interview and you are such an English major to put, "End of Interview" at the end. Cracks me up.

K said...

I can't believe he is three. It looks like he had a great birthday. What a darling idea to do an interview and record the results. You'll look back at that and be so happy you did.

Unknown said...

Thanks for adding me to your list! I am happy to have you in Midway!

K said...

Hey! I was so sad that I couldn't stop and give you a hug the other day when I saw you in Logan! Kaleb was late to scouts so I had to run. Next time you are up there call me so we can catch up! BTW you looked terrific!