Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Up in the Mountains

Robbie has begun to dress himself, and I must say, I am proud of his creative combinations--not just anyone could throw that together!

I can't believe Ty smiled for this picture--I think it's a first!

This doesn't begin to capture how radiant the trees are right now. The whole mountainside is bright red and orange--its brilliant!

We live next to so many beautiful waterfalls, springs, mountains, and parks, but have only visited a handful of them. Last week, we decided to take the kids to Cascade Springs--it's only 7 miles from our house and supposedly just gorgeous. We all piled into my brother's old truck, Buddy, and braved our way up the rocky road, only to find out that it was closed for road work that day (of course!!). Still, it was so lovely outside and we couldn't help but get out and explore the mountain anyway. The boys had a blast hopping the little spring; Robbie loved all the fallen leaves and a make-shift bridge he found (Daddy fell trying to go across it), and Ty was in heaven finding all the little sticks, leaves, and bugs on the ground. Hopefully we'll get to the springs at some point, but as it is supposed to snow tomorrow (yes, already!) it looks like it may be a few months.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yes! Bekah's not the only one who looks completely mismatched. Your boys are so blond! I'm glad you are having fun there in Utah!