Thursday, June 10, 2010


We were having Family Home Evening and somehow missionaries were brought into the discussion.
Me: Robbie, do you know what missionaries do?"
Robbie: "Yes. They just come to your house and eat."

Rob's sister Haley just had her first little baby Saturday, Madelyn Grace. The following conversations have stemmed from her birth, I'm sure.

"Mommy, where do babies come from?"
I can't help but smile. It's like the most dreaded question right?
"From mommies' tummies."
Robbie rolls his eyes and grunts. "I know that, but how do they get there?"
"Mommies and Daddies make them and Heavenly Father puts them there." He seemed satisfied. My brother-in-law, Ryan, had a better answer for the future, though. "Mommies and Daddies kiss and make a wish!" Cute, huh?

He's always been a boy who thinks things through before he talks. Smart.
"Mommy, my new baby cousin (Madelyn) looked so pretty with the flower in her hair. She was almost as pretty as Chelsie (Uncle Johnny's girlfriend).
It was time to see how loyal he was to me. "Robbie, who's prettier? Mommy or Chelsie?"
He bites his lip. (We must be equal.)
"Okay, who's prettier, Mommy or Aunt Aricka?" I know, I know, I'm sick, but I thought it was funny. Still no answer.
"Okay, who's prettier, Mommy or Aunt Sarah?" Just as a smart boy should, he played the diplomat.
"Mommy, all the girls in our family are pretty."
So true.


Wilde Mom said...

I still remember when we were getting ready for family pictures and Mary came out with a flower clip in her hair and he said, "Mary you look so pretty with your flower!" He's going to be quite the charmer!!

Nashelle said...

Already learning that neutral ground is best! Too cute!

Kelli said...

He's so sweet! Aaron said it's a bummer Kaylan and Robbie can't get married since we're related and all!!

Is Aricka your sister? I have a sister, Erica, who's named after Great Grandma! I still can't believe we're second cousins.

Heidi said...

oh that cracks me up! smart smart boy!