Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Man, I love this kid!!! This is Ty dressed up for Wacky Wednesday at his preschool! He was so excited and definitely looked the part!

 And this is him at his concert . . . always biting his nails when he's nervous. :)

These are his best friends at school because they are "good at sports" like Ty. (Ty, Cameron, Gavin)

Ty likes to be the funny guy. Well, sometimes that means he has to be the butt of the jokes, I guess. While coming back from my soccer game, Ty was in the back with Robbie and their friend Roman. Ty had brought scissors into the car (apparently to open fruit snacks in his future) and thought it would be way funnier to cut his hair instead--totally got big laughs; totally got his hair chopped off! Needless to say, he got a very good talking to about decision making and the dangers of doing something you know is wrong just to get attention from others. Robbie (who sat in the back and laughed) also learned a lesson about being a leader and stepping up when someone is doing something wrong. All in all, I am grateful we learned the lesson with something that can grow back!

Ty is very inventive. He decided talking on the phone was an inefficient way of using your hands, so he created this . . . I  didn't have the heart to tell him about headsets and bluetooths. Yes, he is clever, though.

I forgot to post these earlier. He made Valentines for everyone in our family. So sweet! He has quite an eye for art and loves symmetry.

And, cutest thing:

In preschool, they were learning about the food pyramid. The kids tasted all kinds of "strange" flavors and foods. On the list were sugar-snap peas, edamame, pomegranate juice, tomatoes, Asian pears, Rolo candies, Havarti cheese, pumpernickel bread, broccoli, cucumbers and more . . . a pretty good list. Now I am far from being a perfect mom, but one way that we have excelled is exposing our kids to all kinds of foods (I am proud to say that the last few times we've gone to restaurants, they've ordered milk instead of soda and carrots or apples instead of french fries. I'll never forget when Robbie ordered fish and a salad instead of a burger. :)) Anyway, when I went to go pick Ty up from school, his teacher immediately found me and said, "How do you do it?" She explained how Ty tried and loved everything (except the broccoli which he said was over-cooked--what a classy kid!) and the tomatoes (his one vice). The best part: the kids could choose what their favorite thing was. Pretty much all the kids chose Rolos, duh. Not Ty. He chose edamamme and pomegranate juice! Hilarious! He was the only child who had ever tried half of the stuff and explained to his classmates that pomegranate juice isn't half as good as the seeds! He was the star that day! So proud.

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