Sunday, October 12, 2008

He Says...

I'll never forget my friend DeAnne who told me, "Oh it is so fun when your kids start talking because you get to know what they are thinking." True.

Laying down the rules:

Ty is still in the wiggle stage, so his hands flail. Robbie was extra close and Ty popped him in the nose. Robbie gently said, "No hitting, Baby!"

"No more studying, Dad!"

"Move! It's mine!"

Robbie has given Ty 3 different colds (beginning when Ty was 5 weeks old!!). So, Robbie is only supposed to kiss the baby on the head or cheek. This morning I kissed Ty on the lips and Robbie couldn't believe it. "No kiss the lips, Mom!!!" he said accusingly. I had to smile.

The Dramatics:

After putting on a pair of sunglasses: "Cool Dude!" "Oh yeah! Oh yeah!"

Following a scream of pain from upstairs: "Mommy! I pushed Cohen."

"Daddy, I'm starving!!!"

"That's disgusting!" (after seeing a bug)

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