Thursday, April 16, 2009


Considering the amount of art we do in the this house, I'm shocked this didn't happen earlier; I guess everyone has to have their "Coloring on..." story. Here's ours:

This is Robbie during "nap time."

Ty was asleep in the crib right next to Robbie's "art" so I told Robbie to go take his nap in the study--no need to wake Ty with Robbie's protest. I quickly grabbed all the markers and put them up and ran downstairs for a magic eraser. (Robbie and I already tried to clean it off with soap and water--it was a no go.) When I got back upstairs, I heard Robbie playing in the study instead of sleeping. I went in to see what was going on and found this:

A very proud Robbie tangling all the string on Daddy's fly rod (which, by the way, I have no idea how he found). Fun day of discovery in this house, let me tell ya!


Julie said...

Wow! Have he and Jackson been talking behind our backs?

Laura Waltz said...

I really think it's a boy thing. Parker has been a handful lately (to put it mildly). I even cried yesterday b/c I just couldn't handle it. He thinks he is so awesome and is pushing everything around (our side tables, his name it). He has been throwing a minimum of 20 tantrums a day. I am very afraid for the future! I guess the Lord must have a lot of faith in me to be able to handle him.

I can't even imagine having two boys. You are so brave! :D

Kara said...

That art is impressive! It is fun to see how your family is doing!

K said...

Have you discovered the power of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers or Dissolv-It? If you haven't I invite you to make the investment. Your life will be so much easier:) I happen to know that Magic erasers will also remove sharpie from tables in police stations:) Yep, you know there's a story there, but remember I was married to someone that was/is a police officer, so at least that explains why my son was at a police station! Anyway, I'm glad you caught it on film. By the time he's a teenager I'll bet you can do an entire mini album on his mischievous adventures. I know- I have one!

Jenny said...

What a good mommy to just send him on to a nap elsewhere. I would have yelled and... well... You're a better mom than me.

Sarah said...

Wow, he is quite the Jackson Pollock.

Did the magic eraser work?

Anonymous said...

I thouroughly enjoy reading and looking at the pictures on your blog. It's amazing how life moves forward and we get married and have children. You have the cutest children. I love how you said that your children's joys are your own because that's how it really is!