Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Parents are Idiots

Robbie is at that stage. I guess we sometimes underestimate how much he really understands, which is why moments like these are hilarious.

Robbie is fascinated by bugs (lucky for him we live in Missouri). We got some insect books at the library with huge, detailed pictures. Rob was reading the part about bees. Robbie looks at Rob and says, "Daddy, touch it!" pointing to the picture.
"Oh no, Robbie," Rob says in a stern voice, "Bees will sting you!"
Robbie wrinkles his nose and says, "Daddy, it's just a picture!"

In the last week, we have looked just as ridiculous, I'm sure, to our little two-year-old. We've stammered and stumbled trying to answer his simple questions.

"What is voice?"
"What is life?"

He's teaching us more now than we are teaching him, I'm afraid.

1 comment:

Nashelle said...

I keep waiting for questions like that (or the "why"'s) but it's yet to come...lucky you ;)!