Monday, June 27, 2011

Not Too Bad

It's been a great week.
Sunday: Went to our ward for the first time; it was filled with young couples, most of them in the medical field (five resident families alone!) While dropping Robbie off at primary, I ran into a familiar face from Kirksville, my friend Jolyn Smith who happened to live across the street from me then. I have a friend here! We went to their house that night for dessert and Robbie and Ty finally got to play with some friends.
Monday: We went to Liberty Jail for FHE--the boys thought it was awesome and even asked questions.
Tuesday: Went to the Royals game! First pitch of the game was a home run and the boys were totally pumped. It got much more boring after that (I thought it was so cute how Jimmy fell asleep), but their ice cream kept them entertained. More Kirksville reunions there too--ran into Bishop Jewell from our time at ATSU.

Friday: Went to a pool party and met more friends (love the people here)!
Saturday: Drove through the crazy flood zones in Iowa to get to the Winter Quarters Temple. It was beautiful and the Visitors' Center has fabulous exhibits. The boys pulled a handcart and slept in a pioneer bed. Ran into our friends Sonja and Kevin Staples there too (they are from our Kalamazoo days!) Small world out here, I swear.
Sunday: Enjoyed church. Reconnected with another face that I recognized from my Ricks days--it's just getting crazy I tell you! Had some of our new friends over and the kids loved it!
We have truly been blessed. We are happy and excited to be here, though so far away from family. But if the next five years are as fun as this one, it's gonna be just fine.


Chelsie said...

That is SO awesome! I'm so glad everything is going so great and how crazy awesome that you have seen so many people you know! We miss you here though!

Sarah said...

Lucky you!! That is always so good to see familiar faces. We've been here two years and still don't have any wonderful friends. Everyone is moving out of Michigan for some crazy reason.

Tiffany said...

That's so awesome that you are meeting so many people you know! I hope things continue to go well for you guys!

Laura Waltz said...

So glad everything is going great!