Monday, July 18, 2011

4th of July

We had a great 4th. Rob got off just in time to come to a BBQ with some friends. But the best part, hands down, is the fireworks here! Oh my gosh! I have never seen the like! So everyone lights those enormous stadium fireworks--everyone! We went onto our deck and just looked out at a sky full of light--it was the best fireworks show ever! The kids stayed up late watching them all; every time I walked passed their bedroom their were at their window looking out at the sky. So fun.

(yeah, it took three men to figure out how to light the lady bugs. hilarious!)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

no. we decided to rent. we were pretty cautious buying, just because we've not been able to sell our condo in Kirksville. hopefully next year.

ya. the hours are crazy. And three kids is hard for me. I still feel like I can't keep track of them all. Hopefully I'll get the hang of this "single mom"(though I know it's not that bad!) thing.

Life's good (though a little insane)!