Monday, November 14, 2011

You are what you wear!

Each child really is a unique little person. My kids' personalities seriously correspond with their clothes! Robbie is so methodical, responsible, careful . . . he lays out his clothes the night before and is careful to make sure everything matches. I'm not really sure what the dressing process is to Ty, all I know is that there doesn't seem to be any kind of organization to the chaos. He regularly has something on backwards. The other day at playgroup, I had to explain why he had on a tank top and snow boots.
This is Ty before church. Nothing says reverence like a mesh football jersey over a collared shirt!

Last night Rob's mom called and asked each of the boys what he wanted for Christmas. Ty had a catalog of ideas! "I want a motorcycle, but my mom and dad won't let me. I have to be sixteen" (Try never! We just tell him he can't drive 'till he's 16, he likes to assume that means he'll get a bike then.)
"So," he went on, "I want a Captain America with a car. Wait! No, I want a Green Lantern with arms and legs . . ." (He lost his Green Lantern and is stuck with only a PEZ one right now.)
When we handed the phone to Robbie, he kindly said, "I don't really know yet. I'm still thinking about it."

It's so characteristic of them, Rob and I couldn't help but laugh!

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